A moment that has become a lasting memory…
When a person that we loved leaves us, a great void remains –
a hole that we cannot fill.
Gradually, over time, this void is filled with memories of the small moments that reflect the past and the person we loved who is no longer among us.
Over the years, our memories become stories and the stories remain with us as we continue forward.
Using an Nizhit memorial card, we can talk about, share and preserve the small moments, memories and stories that will remain with us forever.

Nizhit is a personal memorial plate developed in Israel, designed to preserve memories, feelings and events related to our loved ones.
By scanning the barcode (QR) on the Nizhit with your smartphone, you can view the content that you have chosen to commemorate your loved ones.
The Nizhit is made of metal, can withstand environmental conditions and can be affixed to a variety of smooth surfaces.
?How does the Nizhit work
Aim the smartphone camera at the QR Code
In older versions or devices, you may need to operate the camera using a QR reader app

Select a method of how you wish to commemorate - an audio file, a video clip (up to 3 minutes) or a presentation and/or text document
You’re finished! Your memory is now memorialized on the barcode, scan the barcode to view it

?How to order the Nizhit
Choose the size of the Nizhit plate
The Nizhit comes in two sizes
4 cm. X 4 cm.
9.5 cm. X 9.5 cm.
Price per unit
180 NIS
Select the shipment method
Price per one unit
NIS 180 – including shipment by regular mail – up to 14 business days
Shipment by registered mail, an additional fee of NIS 25 (up to eight business days)
24 hour shipment – Price will be determined based on the customer’s location
***Price of shipment is the same for up to 3 units.
Select payment method
Pay by credit card
Digital payment through BIT or Pepper Pay to Tel: 052-5711000
Bank transfer paid to the order of Food Quarter Israel LTD
Bank Hapoalim Branch
no. 673,
Account no. 434348